
Friday, July 16, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Washington Post Express Photo Shoot

Hey isn't that....? Why yes, it is. Yours truly featured in the Washington Post Express! Get the full story here.

The Post Express editor requested that I make flavors that were brightly colored for the photo shoot. Of course, I was more concerned with inventing unique flavor combinations... and somehow transferring them to the Washington Post's offices without melting on one of the hottest days of summer. Above are the four flavors I whipped up. I have since posted my own photos and recipes:

Top: Strawberry Goat Cheese Ice Cream, Coconut Basil Sorbet
Bottom: Mango Lime Jalapeno Sorbet, Chocolate Cinnamon Orange Zest Ice Cream

I can now say I have experience as a professional food stylist. And by that, I mean I scooped the ice creams into bowls before they were photographed. Here's photographer Marge Ely getting a close up shot of my peach rum ice cream. The recipe didn't quite make the cut for the magazine, but I will consider posting it here later.

Photo studio from a glance. This is where my ice cream making demonstration went down.

Post production: Chocolate cinnamon orange zest and strawberry goat cheese ice creams half eaten by WaPo staffers.


  1. Congrats! The photos look great. I'm excited for our upcoming video interview...

  2. That is SO COOL. Congratulations. OMG, I totally had a nightmare experience transferring an ice cream cake to the Express' offices - we should dish at the next Food Blogger Happy hour.

  3. yah!! awesome... love the behind the scenes photo shoot photos too!!
